Welcome to Clay County Medical Center

Phone : 785-632-2144 | Patient Portal | ONLINE BILL PAY


Clay County Medical Center provides a comprehensive program of surgical services, ranging from simple outpatient procedures, to complex operations involving teams of surgeons, anesthetists, and medical support staff.

Surgical Services

  • General Surgeries: Laparoscopic Procedures; Gallbladder; Hernia Repair
  • Ear, Nose, & Throat: Ear Tubes; Tonsils & Adenoids
  • Endoscopic Procedures: Bronchoscopy; Colonscopy; Upper/Lower GI's
  • Urologic Surgeries
  • OB/GYN: C-Sections; Tubal Ligations
  • Ophthalmology: Cataract/Lens Implant
  • Pacemaker battery changes
  • Knee & Shoulder Arthroscopy
  • Carpal/Cubital Tunnel Release
  • Pain Management Treatment - We provide effective nonsurgical treatments designed to reduce and manage your pain such as steroid injections and interventional pain management.

Clay County Surgical Clinic

The physicians at Surgical Associates P.A. are highly trained leaders within their profession. We strive to provide the safest, most effective treatments possible. All our surgeons are Certified by the American Board of Surgery. All have specialized knowledge and skill related to preoperative, operative and postoperative management of surgical problems. Members of the American College of Surgeons are referred to as "Fellows." The letters FACS (Fellow, American College of Surgeons) after a surgeons name means that the surgeons education and training, professional qualifications, surgical competence, and ethical conduct have passed a vigorous evaluation and have been found to be consistent with the highest standards established and demanded by the College.

Appointments: (785) 630-2470
Email: surgeryclinic@ccmcks.org

Visit our Specialty Clinics page for more information>>

Our Physicians

Surgical Associates P.A.
Address: 1133 College Avenue, Bldg E, Suite 220, Manhattan, KS 66502
Phone: (785) 539-5341
Website: www.surgicalassociatesmanhattan.com

David Pauls, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Medical School: University of Kansas School of Medicine
Residency: University of Kansas - Wichita

Lance Saville, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Medical School: University of Kansas School of Medicine
Residency: University of Kansas - Wichita

Adam J. Chase, M.D.
Medical School: University of Kansas School of Medicine
Internship: University of Tennessee - Memphis, TN
Residency: Campbell Clinic - Memphis, TN

James R. McAtee, M.D.
Medical School: University of Kansas School of Medicine
Internship & Residency: University of Arkansas