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The CARE Award Program

A new awards program has been established to recognize an employee who exemplifies the hospitals mission and values. The CARE Award stands for Compassion, Acceptance, Respect, and Enthusiasm. The CARE Award will serve as a way to acknowledge the great work and contribution of the non-nurse team members. In July, CCMC employees were asked to suggest a name for the new awards program; it was narrowed down to five names and then voted on by the entire hospital organization.

The CARE Award will be presented twice a year to offset the bi-annual Daisy Award. CCMC began the Daisy award program in 2019 to recognize the extraordinary nurses at CCMC.

Employees at CCMC; Clay Center, Clyde and Linn Family Physicians; and Meadowlark Hospice may be nominated by patients, families, and colleagues.  The award recipient is chosen by a committee at CCMC to receive The CARE Award. Nomination forms are available at the front desk at CCMC or go to http://www.ccmcks.org/thecareaward.php

Deadline to submit nominations’ is September 21, 2020. Completed forms may be left at the front desk of CCMC or may be mailed to CCMC CARE Award 617 Liberty St Clay Center, KS 67432.

Each Nominee will receive a CARE Award lapel pin. Each Honoree will receive a certificate in recognition of the CARE Award along with a Custom Art Glass Trophy.