
We help moms have healthy babies.

Worried about childbirth, breastfeeding or newborn care? From support groups to home visits, there are people and programs willing to help you conquer your fears and succeed as a parent. "Getting medical care early in pregnancy, and keeping all of your doctors' appointments, is essential to your health and your baby's development. The good news is you're not alone.

  • Breastfeeding
  • Nutrition
  • Child Care
  • WIC (Women, Infants, and Children)
  • Immunization
  • Prenatal Services
  • Postpartum

Breastfeeding Resources

Learning how to breastfeed may take time and patience. Benefits of Breastfeeding your baby:

  • Breast milk is easy for your baby to digest.
  • Brest milk keeps you and your baby healthy and protected from illness.
  • Breastfeeding creates a treasured bond between you and your baby.
  • Breastfeeding helps families save money and reduce waste.

There is support for you and your baby to make breastfeeding a success, contact one of these resources.

  • Clay County Health Department in Clay Center offers home visits, office visits, phone support, and breast pumps and supplies. Phone: 785-632-3193.
  • Clay County Medical Center in Clay Center offers classes and phone support. Phone: 785-632-2144.
  • Clay Center Family Physicians in Clay Center offers office visits. Phone: 785-632-2181.
  • La Leche League of Manhattan and Ft. Riley offers support group, home visits, and phone support. Phone: 785-370-4356.
  • Mommy, Milk and Me of Geary Community Hospital offers support groups. Phone: 785-209-0153.
  • K-State Research and Extension, River Valley Extension, offers phone support. Phone: 785-243-8185.
  • Clay County WIC offers office visits, phone support and breast pumps and supplies. Phone: 785-632-3193.
  • Milk Matters of Riley County offers support groups, and breast pumps and supplies. Phone: 785-776-4779 ext. 7661.
  • Via Christi in Manhattan offers classes, office visits, phone support, and breast pumps and supplies. Phone: 785-587-5463.

Other Resources

Contact these statewide organizations to see what services and resources they have to offer:

KanCare - Kansas Medicaid
KanCare offers coverage for: Children, Pregnant Women, Families With Children, Elderly, Adults With Disabilities and Children With Disabilities

Kansas Women Infants & Children (WIC) Program
WIC is a nutrition program that provides nutrition and health education, healthy food and other services to Kansas families who qualify. WIC stands for Women, Infants and Children.

KanQuit - Kansas Tobacco Quitline
We understand that quitting is about more than just not smoking. When you join our program, a Quit Coach® will help you become an expert in living without tobacco using "The 4 Essential Practices to Quit For Life," principles based on 25 years of research and experience helping people quit tobacco.

The Pregnancy and Postpartum Resource Center of Kansas
We grew up learning that having a baby is a magical experience. The last thing we expect to feel is exhausted, panicked, or sad after the baby comes or even before the baby comes. These feelings, and others like them, can be signs that you may be suffering from the “baby blues” or pregnancy or postpartum depression (PPD). You are not alone – one in seven of us experience these emotions and we need help to feel better.

Kansas Infant Death and SIDS Network
The KIDS Network is a support organization dedicated to providing grief and bereavement support services to families that experience the sudden death of an infant. Additionally, the Network provides community awareness and professional education specific to sudden infant death.

If you're pregnant or have a baby under one year, you can sign up to receive FREE text messages on prenatal care, infant care, and more. Even if you don't have a text messaging plan, you can get these messages at no cost. If you have limited texting per month, text4baby won't take away from your total number of messages. You'll get information on prenatal and infant care, immunization, developmental milestones, nutrition, oral health, quitting smoking, safety, and more. Text BABY to 511411 to sign up.