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School Supplies Drive

Clay County Medical Center (CCMC) and its rural health clinics across the region are proud to announce their School Supplies Drive starting Monday, July 15th. This initiative aims to support local school districts by collecting essential supplies for students in need.

From July 15th through August 2nd, School Supplies Drop Boxes will be placed in the main lobby of CCMC and each Family Physicians clinic. Community members are invited to contribute to this meaningful cause.

For the 2024 drive, CCMC and Clay Center Family Physicians plan to support Clay Center Elks who specified needed items for USD 379 students in grades kindergarten through 8th grade. Specifically, they are requesting trapper keepers and wired headphones for children in kindergarten through 3rd grade. Donations collected at Linn, Riley, Clyde, and Glasco Family Physicians will benefit students in USD 378, USD 334, USD 224, and USD 223.

"We are excited to rally our community in support of local students as they prepare for the upcoming school year," said Bryce Dolan, Development and Foundation Director. "Every contribution, whether it’s a donation of supplies or funds, makes a difference in ensuring that our children have the tools they need to succeed."

Individuals interested in participating can drop off donations directly at CCMC or any one of the five rural health clinics. Monetary donations are also welcome and can be coordinated by contacting Bryce Dolan or Mindy Lovendahl, FNP-C, at 785-632-2114.

"We encourage everyone to join us in this effort to equip our students with the resources essential for their learning journey," added Dolan.

The donation deadline for the School Supply Drive is August 2nd, 2024.