We offer routine and advanced imaging services. Utilizing digital imaging eliminates the need for film which expedites the process of your exam. All exams are interpreted at Clay County Medical Center by a board certified radiologist from the United Radiology Group of Salina.
From ease of scheduling to the timeliness of receiving your results, our expertise ensures everything goes smoothly. All imaging exams at our facility are completely digital. Images are available to view seconds after an exam is completed.
Imaging Services
- MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
- Echocardiogram
- Philips Ingenuity Elite 128-Slice CT
- Ultrasound (Diagnostic & Vascular)
- Nuclear Medicine
- Horizon DXA system Bone Density/Body Logic scan
- 3D Tomo Mammography
- OB Sonogram
- Baby's First Photo 3D/4D Imaging
Baby's First Photo 3D/4D Imaging
3D/4D Imaging
Your special, unique, unborn baby can now be seen using cutting edge ultrasound technology to bring images of your baby to life. Our highly qualified and experienced sonographers will make you real life memories which will last a lifetime. The best time to see the baby’s facial features is between 25-30 weeks. Over three decades of extensive studies have shown that ultrasound has not caused fetal or potential harm. 3D/4D ultrasound uses the same intensity of ultrasonic waves.
How Images are Produced
Ultrasound pictures are produced by sending sound waves into the body of the mother. The reflected waves are collected to produce an internal image. Please Note: Our staff will make every effort to obtain the best images possible. Every baby scans differently. Factors that influence the images are baby’s position, amniotic fluid, the placenta, maternal anatomy, and mother’s body mass.
Baby's First Photo Package
- Printed Photos
- CD with 3D & 4D Images
- Confirmation of gender (if desired)
- Up to 4 guests may join you during the experience
- Baby’s First Photos $91.25
- Additional CD’s $5.00
By Appointment Only
Call 785-632-2144 ext. 3340
OB 3-D Waiver Form.pdf»
Full payment is due before we can start the imaging. (Insurance companies will not pay for this service) Please pay at check in.
We accept cash, check, major credit cards and debit cards.
if unable to obtain adequate images at the first visit, we will honor one return session.